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Hazelnuts are a culinary delight, known for their rich flavor and versatility in both sweet and savory dishes. Blanching hazelnuts is a simple yet essential technique to enhance their taste and texture, making them perfect for a variety of recipes. In this blog post, we’ll explore the process of blanching hazelnuts, offering tips and tricks to ensure you get it right every time.

How To Blanch Hazelnuts

Why Blanch Hazelnuts?

Blanching hazelnuts involves removing their skins, which can be slightly bitter. This process not only improves their flavor but also gives them a smoother, more appealing appearance in dishes.

Selecting the Right Hazelnuts

Choose fresh, high-quality hazelnuts for the best results. If you’re buying in bulk from a wholesale nuts supplier, look for nuts that are uniform in size to ensure even blanching.

The Blanching Process: Step-by-Step

  1. Boiling Water: Start by boiling a pot of water. The amount of water should be enough to fully cover the hazelnuts.
  2. Adding Hazelnuts: Once the water is boiling, add the hazelnuts. Allow them to boil for about 2-3 minutes.
  3. Checking the Skins: The skins should start to crack and peel away. If not, boil them for an additional minute.
  4. Draining and Cooling: Drain the hazelnuts and immediately transfer them to a bowl of ice water. This stops the cooking process and makes the skins easier to remove.
  5. Peeling the Skins: Once cooled, drain the hazelnuts again. Rub them between your hands or in a clean kitchen towel to peel off the skins.
  6. Drying: After all the skins are removed, let the hazelnuts dry completely. This is important to bring back their crunch.

Tips for Perfect Blanching

  1. Don’t Overboil: Overboiling can make the nuts soggy. Keep an eye on the time.
  2. Freshness Matters: Fresher nuts tend to have skins that come off more easily.
  3. Batch Size: Work in batches if you have a large quantity, to ensure even blanching.

Using Blanching Hazelnuts in Recipes

Blanched hazelnuts are fantastic in a variety of recipes:

  1. Baking: They’re great in cookies, cakes, and pastries.
  2. Salads: Add a nutty crunch to your salads.
  3. Homemade Nut Butter: Perfect for making smooth, skin-free hazelnut butter.

Storing Blanched Hazelnuts

Store blanched hazelnuts in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. They can also be refrigerated or frozen for longer shelf life.

Nutritional Benefits of Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are not just delicious; they’re also packed with nutrients:

  1. Rich in Healthy Fats: Especially mono-unsaturated fats, which are good for heart health.
  2. High in Dietary Fiber: Beneficial for digestive health.
  3. Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals: Including Vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium.

Buying Hazelnuts in Bulk

For those who regularly incorporate hazelnuts into their culinary creations, purchasing wholesale hazelnuts can be a savvy financial decision. However, it’s crucial to partner with a reputable supplier to ensure you’re receiving premium quality nuts that meet your standards.

Conclusion: The Art of Blanching Hazelnuts

Blanching hazelnuts is a simple yet impactful technique that can elevate your cooking and baking. By following these steps, you can enhance the flavor and texture of hazelnuts, making them a delightful addition to any dish.

Remember, the key to perfect blanched hazelnuts lies in the quality of the nuts, the blanching technique, and how you incorporate them into your recipes. Whether you’re a professional chef, a baking enthusiast, or just love to experiment in the kitchen, mastering the art of blanching hazelnuts is a skill worth having.

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